Ebony Wyatt: What it means to bring your full self to work

Episode Overview:

Have you ever wondered what people mean when they say to bring your full self to work? Ebony joins us to discuss her journey building confidence throughout her career and navigating how to show up at work.

We talk about how building a strong support system, accepting (and implementing) feedback, and exploring your interests outside of work can increase your confidence in showing up how you want for each situation/room you enter.

Ebony’s Bio:

Ebony's Instagram | Ebony's Website | Follow Ebony on LinkedIn

 Founder and Creator, Ebony Wyatt Speaks 

Ebony Wyatt is a corporate business leader with 21 year of experience and is the owner of Ebony Wyatt Speaks and is the creator of the “Building Your BadAss Brand” and “Building Your BadAss Network” workshop series. 

Ebony’s hashtag is #MomWifeBoss and she is a staunch advocate for creating equitable workplaces and communities.

Ebony’s is an active leader in the community, including: 

  • Twin Cities Executive Co-Chair of NextUp (formerly known as Network of Executive Women)

  • Chairwoman of the University of Arkansas’ Dean’s Alumni Advisory Board 

  • Founder of Multicultural Mommas Group of Northwest Arkansas

Ebony has been recognized by her alma mater, the University of Arkansas, as a Young Alumni Award recipient, a Silas Hunt Young Pioneer and as an Inclusive Excellence Champion.  

She is married to William and is the mother of three children, ages 5, 8 and 11.


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